Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My first blog entry!

Here I am, wife and mother of three children, I am 411 days away from the big 4-0. I have been trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. My nine year old daughter asked me a couple months ago, "What is your dream job mommy?" For the first time in my life, I was speechless!  I did not have an answer for her or for me.  I thought long and hard for many days after that, ashamed that I didn't have an answer to that question. I thought to myself, "Gosh, I'm almost 40, certainly I should have a dream job." 

I began a self discovery (with the loving guidance of my mother-in-law) into ME! Sometimes it felt selfish to think of "me" but as I looked at it more, I was not setting a very good example to my children if I didn't. As a mom we do everything for the children and worry about our needs last, if at all!  I have spent the last 12 1/2 years as a mother helping and guiding my children to figure out how to pursue their dreams but in the process lost sight of mine. 

We (my family) are in pursuit of our dreams, we expect many challenges ahead of us but I think that is what we call LIVING!  My husband recently decided to pursue his true passion and we are moving the family west in two weeks in search of our "gold"...our dreams! 


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! You rock and I wish you all the fun, excitement, heartbreak and glory of pursuing your dreams.

  2. Good luck with your journey and your dreams! I'll be following along and cheering you on!

  3. I love you mom.I'm so happy that you started this blog about my question!!!!!!I am the nine year old girl in the story!!!I am so proud of you mommy<3I hope you find out!!!!!!!

  4. I hope you are moving to rural Alaska!

    1. Well "Anonymous", who might you be commenting on my post that is over 2 years old? :)
